#NEWPALMYRA and more


I recently completed an animated MuseumDraw video for NEWPALMYRA to illustrate the program they're doing 

MuseumDraw's creator, Paige Dansinger, uses self-designed drawing software for the iPad to animate an introductory video for #NEWPALMYRA, a group dedicated to Digital Archeology, Cultural Development, and Open Data projects to carry the rich history of Palmyra to the next generations.


I also had spent time developing MuseumDraw for Disabled Audiences. Mike Bee was an avid MuseumDraw member. His broken foot resulted in several sessions using Skype and FaceTime Video. His passion is Islamic Art and we had super discussions on art, culture, spiritualism and gender roles inherent in Islamic Art.

Palmyra by Mike Bee, MuseumDraw

Palmyra by Mike Bee, MuseumDraw

Iznik Tile and Tik, MuseumDraw with Mike Bee at Mia.. 

Iznik Tile and Tik, MuseumDraw with Mike Bee at Mia..