
One of my favorite projects of 2017 was a collaboration organized by #NEWPALMYRA, with Disquiet's Junto Project. They were the first drawings I did with the Oculus with Tilt Brush. It resulted in 30 Sound Artists creating 0293: Emerge Immerse. The Soundcloud playlist may be found here

The 3D models and drawings are inspired by the architecture and cultural heritage of Palmyra, Syria. This collaboration honors the work and life of #NEWPALMYRA Founder Bassel Khartabil.

Triumphal Arches


Funerary Temple

Palmyra, Funerary Temple.gif

Zenobia Coin

Zenobia copy.gif

Roman Amplitheater

Palmyra, Amplitheater.gif


Palmyra, Tetrapylon.gif